Now I’m quite aware of the sentiment this idea is meant to evoke…undying love, a fondness that transcends all, the forever.
But how does the idea of unconditional love create the potential for more harm than good? And what does it mean for your sense of worth?
When one goes out into the world, announcing from the rooftops what resides in the deepest parts of their heart – unconditionally – it threatens to place one’s worth where it should never be, in the realm of negotiation.
Hear me out on this.
When it comes down to it, unconditional love isn’t found when all is well with the world, oh how simple that would be. Instead, it makes its presence known when the sun no longer shines its ever-bright light on the relationship in question. And when we bring those big ticket items to the table such as mistrust, deceit and disrespect, we are opening up a space where our worth becomes malleable.
To alter your sense of peace and the composition of our own self-worth to suit that of another, is easily one of the greatest injustices one can place on themselves.
In saying this, love in these cases doesn’t magically disappear, the double-edge sword of emotion makes sure of it. But we should not be placing ourselves in the hands of another – to be plucked of the things we’ve nurtured within and moulded into shapes our sublime doesn’t recognise.
But just because we cannot love our partners beyond all fault, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t go forth into the world and love fully, deeply and with every part of our being.
There is no loss in giving love, receiving it and becoming all that it stands for. It’s the greatest damn thing us humans have been blessed with.
– T
Photo Credit: Pinterest