Ello Darlin!

Welcome to this untethered space where I explore the self and soul. 

With my sights firmly set on helping you craft your highest self, it’s here that I delve into the reinvention of the inner self, what it means to live life through the soul, questioning the ideals that surround us and empowering my kindred women into our most authentic selves — through my own experiences and those around me.

I feel most inspired when I am dissecting the self, love and the things we face within our soul. I love tackling societal expectations and dictations. My soul is blazed alight when I read through the works that look at love, the peculiarities of modern society and beyond. 

And who am I?

I’m Tamara, and I call the likes of Australia home. Currently exploring the depths of my twenties, I’m dedicating my life to writing — putting emotions and experiences into words.

When my fingertips aren’t dancing across the keyboard, my soul seeks the inspiration of distant cities and the authentic capture of film photography. Poetry runs deep within me and I adore spending moments amidst the pages of a good story.

Ultimately, this space is an elixir of all the things that light up my soul and I hope that you find a piece of yourself amongst my words.

Love and light,


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